Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] EID-UL-Azhiyyh MUBARIK

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Din Shahed <dmshahedr1@yahoo.ca>
Date: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:52 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] EID-UL-Azhiyyh MUBARIK


"Wujoohun yamaezin musfiratun. Zahekatun
[Surah Abasa verses 39-40]
AND SISTERS with breaved families of "Shuhadaa" and with
those who are  affected IN DEVASTATING FLOODS IN PAKISTAN .

Dear brothers and sisters!
Assalamo alikum wa rehmatullahe wa barakatuhu.
By the grace of Allah, the 17h November, 2010 is the
Happy day of EID-UL-Azhiyyah IN CANADA !!

According to the above mentioned 2 verses of the holy
Quran, our faces are bright, laughing and
On this happy occasion, I offer to all of you "HAPPY
EID MUBARIK" in the revealed words of the Holy
Promised Messiah And Mahdi, [ peace be on Him],
"Amdan-e-Eid Mubarik Badat".It means that coming of
Eid may be blessed to you !!
But this year "our Eid is fraught with sorrows too "!!
88 Ahmadi Muslims were  martyred and 124
were injured while they were praying the Jumuah
prayers in 3 Ahmadiyys Mosques in Lahore and Mardan,Pakistan by the callous  masked murderers !!
In result of this callous and barbaric gunfire on the
innocent praying Ahmadi Muslims,the wroth of Allah appeared through the devastating  Floods in Pakistan !!
Due to these extremely tragic events this year our Eid
is fraught with sorrows !!
Even then we will be celebrating Eid-ul-Azhiyyah
according the commandments of Allah and the Holy
Prophet Muhammad peace be on Him.....
May Allah bless us all real Eid !!
A humble servant of Ahmadiyyat,The true Islam.
               Din Muhammad Shahed
EID-UL-Azhiyyh.Eid of Sacrifices
This is the second Eid of the year, which we Muslims
celebrate all over the world. But the question arises
why we celebrate this Eid of sacrifice?
Do we celebrate this Eid only to commemorate and
remember the sacrifice of Hazrat Abraham and his son
Abraham offered his one son in sacrifice while the
holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] offered
hundreds of his sons in sacrifice. Why should we not
remember the holy Prophet'srifice?
And what need lies in commemorating  and remembering a
sacrifice of more than three thousand years ago ?
Do we celebrate this Eid that Abraham's feet were not
shaken and he was prepared to offer the sacrifice of
his son? We cannot think so about Abraham as he was of
a strong faith.
Do we celebrate this Eid that Ishmail was not killed
and he was saved from being killed? Such kind of
thinking is also absurd as Ismail was also of a strong
faith and he himself agreed for the sacrifice. So we
have to think why we celebrate this Eid?
For the answer of all the above mentioned questions,
Hazrat aqdas Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood
Ahmad,khalifa-tul-Masih-us-Sani and Musleh-e-Maud in
one of his faith–enhancing Eid sermon replied that
when we see the holy Bible there we find a glade
tidings, and a great prophecy which God had given to
Abraham, in the words,
" O, Abraham you have offered a great sacrifice.You
have offered thine ONLY SON [Ismael]! In reward of
this great sacrifice I shall spread your progeny in
such a way that the stars of the sky could be counted
but your progeny could l not be counted !!
  [Genesis 16:3]

More than three thousand years before nobody could
imagine that Abraham who had a few family members and
who had a few camels could spread in such a way that
stars of the sky could be counted but his progeny will
not be not be counted !!
But our God Almighty  fulfilled this great prophecy
Spreading of Abraham's progeny was ordained with the
advent of the holy prophet Muhammad [Peace be on Him].
When the holy prophet came through Him Abraham's
progeny spread by leaps and bounds in all the corners
of the Earth. People belonging to other religions
joined in the fold of Islam and became the spiritual
sons of Abraham in hundred thousands numbers all over
the world. Abraham's progeny has spread in such a way
in all corners of the Earth that according to the
prophecy stars of the sky can be counted but Abraham's
progeny cannot be counted !!
                    THE ACTUAL SACRIFICE
The real and actual great sacrfice in the the deam of
Abraham was intended to re-establish and rehablitate
the eternal, universal sacred  Barronernalforsakenl
Place,House of Allah in Mecca which was at that time
forsaken and barren. In the vecinity of Meccaa  lies
the hillock place of Marwah.[which is misspelled and
pronounced in Bible as Moriah.[Genesis 22:2]
There in the vecinity of Mecca in the barren land and
hillock place of Marwah Abraham left his beloved child
Ishmael with his mother Hjar and offered a great
sacrice  !
Al-mighty Alallah accepted this unique sacrifice of
Abraham and multiplied his progeny in such a way that
the stars of the sky can be counted but the pogeny of
Abraham can not be counted according the prophecy!!
Hazrat Aqdas Musleh-e-Maud [May Allah be pleased with]
Elucdating this new faith enhancing idea, said that
the glade tidings and the great prophecy which was
given to Abraham was actually a great Muhammadi
prophecy!! Which was fulfilled by the advent of the
holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him]!
So when we celebrate this Eid of sacrifices we declare
that the great prophecy, which was given to Abraham in
totally odd circumstances, is   fulfilled like a
shining star even more like the broad daylight!!
So we are happy that the prophecy of our God is
fulfilled extaordinarily and miraculously!!
So we celebrate this happy "Eid-ulAzhiyya" in
thanksgiving to God Almighty that by fulfilling this
great prophecy He has shown a great sign!!

Addressing the mammoth Ahmadiyya gathering on
Eid-ul-Azhiyyah at Qadian,hazrat aqdas Musleh-e-Maud
[May Allah be pleased with him] said that the holy
Promised Messiah and Mahdi has also been named Abraham
in one of his revelations. So it is our duty to spread
the progeny of Abraham all over the world in all the
corners of the Earth. All people belonging to all
religions,cultures,colours should join into the fold
of Islam and come under the banner of Islam and under
the feet of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on
Him] and become united in one "Ummat-e-M uhammadiyyah"
!! And there will be the NEW WORLD ORDER OF THE DAY,
For that noble world-wide spiritual revolution we have
to offer great sacrifices like Abraham, like Ismail
and like Hajrah !!
May Allah help us to do such kind of sacrifices .If we
do that kind of glorious sacrifices then and there our
Eid-ul-Zhiyyah  will be the real Eid .May Allah grant
and bless us such kind of real Eid !! Amin
HAPPY EID TO ALL!!  Eid congratulations to all !!

Yours Fraternally,
Din Muhammad Shahed, H.A., M.A.

    Precious Articles for Preaching
By the help and grace of Allah,I composed 60 Precious Articles in Urdu and 800 Precious Articles in English to  preach the message of  Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam for Christians,Jews,Hindus,Sikhs  ...
These articles can be had on
The list of these Precious Articles can
be had on demand from me.   dmshahedr1@yahoo.ca


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