Monday, October 18, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] (1) Populists don't do gold (2) Get the idea of printing press inflation out of your head.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dick Eastman <>
Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:14 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] (1) Populists don't do gold (2) Get the idea of printing press inflation out of your head.


Populists don't do gold.
Think about it.  If the financial elites who own the gold wanted to buy gold they would not have their mouthpieces telling you to buy it, bidding against them for each ounce.  They would have the mouthpieces selling you on the idea that gold is obsolete etc. as they quietly cornered the market with quiet buying agents.  Instead they have Celente and Ron Paul and Glenn Beck pushing gold like old-time carnival barkers selling a patent medicine. The are agents assisting the Money Power in buying up dollars.   Clearly Beck and Celente and all the others are not your finacial advisors so much as they are Rothschild and Rockefeller buying agents.   The dollar is going to be around.  Remember a dollar is a share of the Federal Reserve Bank -- a bank owned by other banks which are in fact a consortium of Rothschild-Rockefeller controlled banks acting as a holding company in control of the Fed.  The appointed Board of Governors are token figures.  The New York Bank has the power, but only the power to conduct the open market securities transactions that the big investment bankers want conducted.  The Board of Governors and the Chairman are informed after the fact.   The Fed shares -- US dollars -- are being bought up by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers who are actually paying for them with US Securities.  The US securities are being shorted in anticipation of the default which the same Rockefeller-Rothschilds have engineered.  Trick or treat?  Guess who gets the trick.
What will save America -- is keeping our dollars here and in circulation  and getting more of them in the hands of the American household sector and business sector and out of the hands of the financial sector.
There is no honest economist who also knows what is going on to ask.  If you want to verify what I say you are going to have to do the the thinking yourself  -- that, after all, is the law of the jungle for humans.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington




Get the printing press inflation idea out of your head.

The Fed taking treasury securities off the hands of financiers and creditor nations like China who want to dump them in advance of default.  The know the dollar will be around after the securities become worthless.


Fed isn't printing money -- what they are doing is buying securities from the financiers and China.  D
Don't picture a printing press flooding he domestic economy with dollars so we all go out to the store and bid up prices for a big inflation.  That is exactly what is NOT happening.
Instead the domestic household and business sectors are being starved of purchasing power  -- that is why we lose jobs, can't meet payments, go out of business, are forced to cut costs and tighten belts and sometimes end up in the street.
The purpose of the fed expanding the money going to international financiers and creditor nations like China is because they want to unload their US securities because they know the US is going to default on all of them.  But the dollar will not fail  -- the dollar is not money of the US goverment.  The monetary system is private.  It belongs to who owns the Fed.  Banks own the fed and the Rothschilds and Rockefellers own the Fed.
When the US goes under every asset will be up for grabs.  We will sell our aircraft carriers and submarines and guided missile cruiser.  We will sell our air force.  We will sell all goverment lands  -- including vast territories out west -- which will become giant fiefdoms of the super riche.
The American people -- pension funds, small investors etc. will be stuck with the treasuries because they are not aware of the game plan.
Actually dollars are the things to own.  Buying gold is folly -- because when the US goes under -- the new set up will have a gold system.  And guess what.  Our debts will not be erased according to the Big Bad Game Plan.  We will give all that gold back to them in exchange for permission to continue in their new country.
Aristocracy will be back.  It will be the golden age of the elites  -- and we will become as the helots of ancient Sparta or, which is the same thing, the "sambos" of the ante bellum South  -- aristocracies aren't really elevated people -- they live by cutting out our means of raising children that can compete with theirs.  etc.
Somebody talk to me.  Tell me why you don't think this could be happening.
Social Credit  REPLACES Wall Street money going to international corporations and China, with debt-free money going directly to US households.
In a letter from October 2008, Dan Breeden wrote:
The FED has now said that they can  loan money directly to states and companies. Since the FED is just a collection of rich bankers, it will be interesting to see just who they loan to.  They will undoubtedly loan to companies that they would like to own,,,, hoping for a default. But, will they loan to states?  Since a state is not a money-making enterprise, I suspect that Rockefeller won't cough up a penny.
Now we see why the Fed is pouring out new money  -- called inflation -- when really it is a transfusion from the domestic loop to the international corporations so they can better vanquish the domestic economy and capture all land resources  and industry and assets (including privatized public wealth).  The Fed is buying government securities and giving the dollars to the international corporations and two China (the PLA being partners with every international corporation in China).
The Fed buys Corporation and Chinese held securities giving them dollars which they do not spend here.  The securities have value because they pay interest.  Whatever their market value when you buy them you get a stream of interest payments.  That stream of interest payments is paid for by you and me the taxpayers.  The fact that the Fed is buying up securities and and putting out up-front dollars from them shows that the International Financial Elites are expecting the US to go down -- the securities to be worthless  -- but that actually the dollars will keep their value because the US still has land and resources and your labor it can buy (or control through debt slavery)  -- the Fed is a separate entity, not part of the US which will default on its securities.  So the securities will no longer be held by Financiers  -- just by pension plans and little people through their mutual funds etc. -- so they will be the ones stuck from the defalut.  Because in the default it is the securities that go  -- not the private central bank money.  That is why they want those dollars  -- dollars will be safe  -- dollars are what will be traded in for the new gold-backed currency they have in the works.  You will take the gold you have bought -- have it minted into coin and then use it to pay your debts which will still be there after the US is gone.
Or perhaps you don't like where they are taking you and would rather have social credit?
Remember this too:  The prices we pay for objects include 40 percent of interest payments.  Those are prices going to the financial sector which is not recirculating them back into the economy  -- those dollars paid in the price of goods that do not go to the producing firm but go to finance are dollars that will not be calling forth more production.  More than three quarters of our tax money goes to fund both interest payments on the national debt  and the military that maintains a world empire and, currently two major wars/occupations.  The wars themselves are a form of "export" (exporting destruction) that is make-work for US corporations.
Now if we have social credit households -- making strong household sector demand -- then entrepreneurs, engineers, managers and skilled workers will be called forth to create more household goods, more labor saving innovation, more beauty and knowledge  now that the slavery of serving the creditors is ended.
Only recently has it all come together  -- exactly what is wrong and exactly what the solution MUST be  -- to end the basic problem that has plagued the world since the creation of the Bank of England.
Anyway  -- now you know  -- if instead of skimming a hundred posts today you were to print out this one and really study what I have given you -- write it out in your own words -- then you will have equipped yourself to provide others with the medicine that can save us.
For details:
Learn about the hidden cost of interest here: 
Lean about the social credit solution here: 
Learn about why social credit is the only cure -- the nation's only defense in this foreign attack that involves the infiltration and destruction of our economy through the weaknesses of our system stemming from the usury component of our monetary system in the control of hostile international bankers who control our financial sector, and all three branches of the Federal Goverment.
Here is a more formal exposition of the usury problem and the social credit solution.
From: "T Lee Buyea Fla.News Service" <>

> Handing out money to average people might work if it was just done as
> stimulus in small to medium amounts, But too much for too long would
> devalue the money and stop some people from working.

Eastman reply:
All it would require would be small and medium amounts of social credit dividend each month or quarter because those dollars would circulate many times  in a year.  That is, it would have velocity.
Remember the equation  P x Q  =  M x V
Totals of all payment receipts showing Price @ Quantity in a year (i.e. sum all all cash register receipts and other receipts)  EQUALS the amount dollars "M"  that have been in circulation (not being saved, i.e., unspent) at least once in the time period TIMES the average number that each of those dollars was spent to buy something from the production sector -- that number or rate is called Velocity (V).     (Don't count garage sales  -- we are talking about new produced goods. )   In other words   Receipts (PxQ) equals Total Circulating Purchasing Power which  can by described symbolically this way:
 P x Q  =  M x V    which is an "identity", meaning that it is always true. (Note the triple-bar  equal sign -- which means "always equal to"   or "always true by definition")
Now we add an assumption to this identity -- the assumption that velocity does not change -- then the equation, with V now a constant, becomes the famous quantity theory of money.
Under the quantity theory of money  -- if you add money  -- that is, if you increase M, either more will be produced  (a rise in Q)  or prices will climb (an increase in P)  or both.  But also if you withdraw money (a removal of M from circulation) either P will go down or Q will go down.  And of course if Quantity produced goes down wages, profits,  will go down too even as failures to pay rent and debt will increase.  That is the problem of deflation.  That is the Quantity Theory of Money -- associated with the name of Irving Fisher.
But there is something else -- another fact that comes into play.
Remember that   P x Q  =  M x V  is always true  (not making any assumptions about velocity).  Velocity may increase -- if people were paid every week instead of every two weeks that would increase velocity by some.
Of course if dollars are saved rather than spent -- that will  decrease M  -- unless the money is saved in a bank and not in someone's mattress.  If the money is put in a local bank  -- then the bank may lend the money to build a house or to build a factory  -- in which case M would keep circulating (buying producer goods instead of household goods).    But something else comes into play that is the root of our problems.
That something is usury.
P x Q  =  M x V is always true.
But let consider the nature of loans, money creation and interest.  In our system of fractional reserve banking -- if a bank gets a deposit of a dollar from someone's mattress -- the law lets them lend all of that except a fraction -- say 10 per cent.  And as soon  as the loan is made of 90 percent of the original deposit, say to a building contractor, the contractor goes and spend it and the electrician will get it and deposit it his bank.  And  the electricians bank will take that deposit of 90 cents and will be able to lend out 90 percent of that 90 cents, that is 81 percent of the original deposit, keeping 9 cents as reserve.  And do forth.  So in the end each of the new dollars from the mattress will create more purchasing power because of these additional loans -- each new loan smaller than the one before it --  so that, in fact, if the reserve requirement is 10 percent  the total amount of money created/circulated due to loan expansion  will be ten times the amount that was taken from the mattress in the first place. 
But what happens when money is taken out of circulation and put in a mattress --or taken out of the country.  We have the same "multiplier effect" in reverse  -- contracting the money in circulation by ten times what was taken out.  Instead of loans being made, loans will be called in, loans will be defaulted on, new loans will not be issued to replace retiring loans  -- there will be a monetary contraction leading to less spending, layoffs, firings, business failures, cuts in quality of ingredients, reduction of services and frills etc. etc. etc.  (look around you to see what I am talking about).
Only now are we ready to understand the true effect of the claw of interest slavery -- the true cost of usury.
While it is always true that P x Q  =  M x V  it is also always true under the usury system that regardless of velocity -- M will always tend to diminish because purchasing power is leaking -- gushing -- tsunamiing out of the system to the financial sector in the form of interest payments.    40 percent of each price you pay at the store or the car showroom is to cover interest as a cost of production to the producer that he passes on to the consumer.  Even more of each dollar in taxes goes to pay interest on the national debt  -- much of that going to the Fed which owns a lot of our debt and much of it going to foreign creditors who own United States securities and our state and local bonds etc.  The Fed is like a mattress  -- because it is not putting that money back into domestic economy circulation.  The Fed (under figurehead Bernanke) is buying up securities and paying for them with new bank deposits  -- there are no printing presses when the Fed creates money --  to the big financiers and financial institutions that sell the securites to the Fed  -- these financiers getting the new money are not using it to invest in US domestic production.  Anything but that.  Instead they are, by policy, letting deflation take its toll  domestically, while they apply their money overseas.  They buy goods of China and allow us to buy them with consumer loans -- (called second mortages)  -- but the drain  -- the reduction of M  -- continues to take its toll.
The result is the destruction of the country and the accumulation of all of our dollars in China  -- so that when the time comes --China will not have to conquer this country, they will just move in and buy it up, and evict us to the slum holding pens  (New York, L.A., Philadelphia, Detroit, Kansas City, etc.) where we, with poor food, viruses, low income, high crime will simply die off.
The alternative of course is social credit.  But I can't seem to make anyone see that an alternative is necessary.
The libertarians and conservatives and the people educated by high-school education disc jockey Glenn Beck and Freemason Statanist conspirator Ron Paul and Celente and Alex Jones etc.  seem to believe that we need to let the collapse happen to clear out the mal-investment (when in fact when you took out your home loan you were a good credit risk because of the job you had and the prospects we all thought you had -- before the Kleptastrophe crime cut us low.  But they talk about a collapse being the necessary cure  -- like the medieval doctors bleeding their patients and killing them while claiming they were trying to kill them.  And then after the collapse and the Chinese and Rothschild/Rockefeller/Goldman creditors own everything -- including still outstanding IOUs of yours that they hold  -- they will switch to a gold system in which you must slave all the harder to pay your debts in gold.
I hope I have persuaded you of the life and death importance of this analysis and the cure.
I am not an original thinker -- but I do have the gift of detecting falsehood, finding the problem in systems, evaluating solutions that others have offered to see if they really address the problem or not.  I completed two years towards the doctorate at Texas A & M -- completing the prelim exam in macro with the highest score -- however I have forgotten almost everything I learned back then -- 30 years ago --  and only give to myself the distinguished title of "student of economics"  -- a title I ask you to share with my by your diligent study and mastery of the material I have passed on to you here.  I have sacrificed my life to gain the knowledge I have -- and to reach you with it.  I beg you to take seriously the possibility that there is something good in this for all of us.
Sincerely yours,
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Schematic of social credit solution:
Here is the full 2008 letter from Breeden mentioned above:
The FED has now said that they can  loan money directly to states and companies. Since the FED is just a collection of rich bankers, it will be interesting to see just who they loan to.  They will undoubtedly loan to companies that they would like to own,,,, hoping for a default. But, will they loan to states?  Since a state is not a money-making enterprise, I suspect that Rockefeller wont cough up a penny.
Any repayment would depend on taxpayer-approved tax increases,,, not a good bet.
Since 78% of the economy depends on the consumer and the consumer has closed his wallet, there will be a lot of companies going under. Rockefeller [FED] is allowed to create money from thin air. He can loan this free money to any company in the hope that they default. He just has to make the FED money senior to any other debt and he gets the company for pennies.
All of this freshly created money is extremely inflationary. As the dollar becomes more worthless, this is effectively a wage cut for Americans.  Rockefeller not only gets the company for pennies, the inflation that he created gets him a workforce that is earning global wages. Voila!!  He wins on both sides because his new company is globally competitive.
A suspicious person would say that Rockefeller engineered the derivatives fiasco knowing that it would lock up the credit markets. The Rockefeller printing press would be the lender of last resort because he had the only printing press. He prints free money to buy everything in sight.
A few years ago, congress gave approval to the states to sell their public works, highways, water systems, etc  Rockefeller might not want to loan to states but, I'm sure that he'd be willing to steal the infrastructure.
Ron Paul introduced a bill to abolish the FED. If people had a wider vision, they would see that it is necessary.
If Rockefeller is allowed to seize everything with freshly created money, he will need a police state to keep the freshly-impoverished under control. This would be the end of America as an ideal.




Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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