Sunday, March 4, 2012

defamation against the statement of 'foreign funds'?


PM says that the anti Koodankulam movement is supported by the American NGOs and Scandinavian NGOs. Can you  make it public the  names and address of such NGOs and the support details. Narayanaswamy was saying that 55 crores of Rupees came from a German NGOs. Which are these NGOs and what are the bank details of such transfer and meant for what?

PM says that these NGOs are against such self sufficiency of Nuclear Electricity in India. Since 1962 after enacting Atomic Energy Act how much Nuclear Energy India has produced? What is the total investment in the Atomic Energy Establishment in India since then? Who has disturbed the self sufficiency in Nuclear Energy in India? What has been the total out put? You can defend Indo-US deal? Then America is good for you, but now America is bad for you? Please make your statement specific and we are as loyal to India as you are.Thomas kocherry, 5772.

Thomas Kocherry

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